Items where Year is 2017

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Number of items: 40.


Bakay, Peter (2017) Krisztusban egyek vagyunk [We are one in Christ]. TÜKÖR, 4 (2).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2017) Sokszínű cigánymisszió [Diverse gypsy mission]. Tükör, 4 (4).

Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2017) Szabadulás a cigánygyűlöletből, Egy volt skinhead megtérésének története [Liberation from gypsy hatred, The story of the conversion of a former skinhead]. Tükör, 4 (1).

Bakić, Saša (2017) Waiting for Death: Surprised by an angel. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 12-15. ISSN 0889-9436

Becker, Tom (2017) A Marginalized People Lead a Hidden Revival. EFCA - Blog.

Becker, Tom (2017) Partners In Ministry with the Roma. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 34-36. ISSN 0889-9436

Bocsi, Veronica (2017) The Religious Patterns of Young Roma People in Hungary. Belvedere Meridionale, 29 (4). pp. 105-121. ISSN 1419-0222 (print) 2064-5929 (online, pdf)


Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2017) Gypsy leadership, cohesion and social memory in the Evangelical Church of Philadelphia. Social Compass, 1 (16). pp. 1-16. ISSN 0037-7686 print, 1461-7404 web


Dimitrova, Radosveta and Van de Vijver, Fons and Taušová, Jitka and Chasiotis, Athanasios (2017) Ethnic, Familial, and Religious Identity of Roma Adolescents in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kosovo, and Romania in Relation to Their Level of Well-Being. Child Development, 88 (3). ISSN Online ISSN:1467-8624; Print ISSN:0009-3920

Doležalová, Markéta (2017) “Come with Us and You Will Be Saved”: Religious Conversions and Healing among Roma Pentecostal Converts. Cargo Journal, 15 (1-2). pp. 19-33. ISSN 2336-1956


Georgieva, Zhaneta (2017) From Prejudice to Love. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). p. 33. ISSN 0889-9436


Havasi, Virág (2017) A történelmi egyházak cigány missziós tevékenysége Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében. Szellem és tudomány, 8 (klnsz). pp. 147-191. ISSN 2062-204X


Institute for Mission Studies, (OSIMS) (2017) "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma". In: "Theological and Missiological Reflections on Christianity among the Roma", 28.11-01.12.2017, Evangelical Theological Seminary Osijek, Croatia. (Submitted)


Kamberović, Miomir (2017) Obeying the Call. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 16-18. ISSN 0889-9436

Kool, Anne-Marie (2017) „Roma revival” in contemporary Christianity among the Roma in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Christianity among the Roma conference, November 28-December 1, 2017, ETS, Osijek. (Unpublished)


Laczine, Timea Anna Somogyi (2017) Questions of Prejudice in Hungary. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 31-32. ISSN 0889-9436

Lehel, Peti (2017) Migráció és pünkösdizmus egy kelet-moldvai kolduló roma közösségben [Migration and Pentecostalism in an Eastern-Moldavian Beggar Roma Community]. Erdélyi Társadalom, 15 (1). pp. 57-80. ISSN 1583–6347

Lehel, Peti (2017) A pünkösdizmusra való áttérés okai és funkciói egy moldvai roma közösségben [The reasons and functions of conversion to Pentecostalism in a Romani community in Moldavia]. Ethnographia, 128 (3). pp. 485-509. ISSN 0200-0237


Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) The Birth of a Group: Two Roma Micro-Groups in Bukovina and Transylvania. TRANSYLVANIAN REVIEW, 22 (3). pp. 138-142. ISSN 15849422

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) Commencement of Roma Civic Emancipation. Studies in Arts and Humanities, 3 (2). pp. 32-55.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) Orientalism in Romani Studies: The Case of Eastern Europe in Languages of Resistance: Ian Hancock’s contribution to Romani Studies. In: Languages of Resistance. LINCOM GmbH, pp. 187-237. ISBN 978-3862-888-511

McNary, R. Shane (2017) Staying Home: Cultural Bridging in a Time of Crisis. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 23-25. ISSN 0889-9436


Naydenov, Nayden (2017) Leaving Home: New Pathways in Mission. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0889-9436


Podolinská, Tatiana (2017) “Roma” Label: The Deconstructed and Reconceptualized Category within the Pentecostal and Charismatic Pastoral Discourse in Contemporary Slovakia. Journal of Nationalism, Memory & Language Politics, 11 (2). pp. 146-180.

Portnoy, Kelly and Portnoy, Ryan (2017) We Are Here - A Story of Jesus and The Unseen Roma. [Video]

Puporka, Gustav (2017) Identities and Cultures. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 28-30. ISSN 0889-9436


Roman, Raluca Bianca (2017) Body Limited: Belief and (Trans)Formations of the Body in a Pentecostal Roma Community. In: Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion. Brill Academic Pub, pp. 256-273. ISBN 10: 9004344179 13: 978-9004344174


Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Църква и религия при българите в Испания [Church and religion of Bulgarians in Spain]. 'Ongal' Electronic Journal, 9 (15). pp. 74-86. ISSN 1314-3115

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Personalizing the Romani Evangelical faith. In: Languages of Resistance: Ian Hancock’s contribution to Romani Studies. Lincom, München, pp. 318-325. ISBN 978-3862888511

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Религиозно обучение на деца и младежи в циганските евангелски църкви [Religious training of children and young people at the Evangelical Gypsy Churches]. In: 500 ГОДИНА ПРОТЕСТАНТСКЕ РЕФОРМАЦИЈЕ [500 years from Protestant reformation]]. ЈУГОСЛОВЕНСКО УДРУЖЕЊЕ ЗА НАУЧНО ИСТРАЖИВАЊЕ РЕЛИГИЈЕ УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ У НИШУ – МАШИНСКИ ФАКУЛТЕТ, Niš, pp. 205-216. ISBN 978-86-86957-20-7

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Social Ties of Bulgarians and Rudari in the Mediterranean Countries. Balkan and Balticum : current studies in the postsocialist space. pp. 42-69. ISSN 1736-0323 (online)


Todorovič, Dragan and Đorđević, Dragoljub B. (2017) Утемељење Новог Верског Идентитетакод Рома Протестаната У Југоисточној Србији [Establishment of a New Religious Identity among Protestant Roma in Southeast Serbia]. In: XXIV годишња интернационална конференција ЈУНИР [XXIV Annual International YSSSR Conference] 500 Година Протестантске Реформације [500 Years Of The Protestant Reformation].

Tosi Cambini, Sabrina and Beluschi-Fabeni, Giussepe (2017) Antiziganisms: Ethnographic Engagements in Europe. Anuac, 6 (1). pp. 99-117. ISSN 2239-62Bx

Toyansk, Marcos (2017) The Romani Diaspora: Evangelism, Networks and the Making of a Transnational Community. Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies (79). pp. 185-213. ISSN ISSN 0354-0286


Voiculescu, Cerasela (2017) Nomad self-governance and disaffected power versus semiological state apparatus of capture: The case of Roma Pentecostalism. Critical Research on Religion, 5 (2). pp. 188-208. ISSN 20503032


Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2017) The Good Life - Descriptors of change in Roma Pentacostal communities in Serbia and Croatia. Relaunch Issue, Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology, 2 (2). pp. 99-118. ISSN 2573-6345

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2017) Movements in Mission - Christianity Among the Roma (Gypsies). Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 6-11. ISSN 0889-9436

Wood, Rick (2017) Cultivating "4th soil" disciples in ourselves and others. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 4-5. ISSN 0889-9436


Zlatanović, Sanja (2017) Approaching preferred identity:‘Serbian Gypsies’ in post-war Kosovo. Romani studies 5, 27 (2). pp. 147-172. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)


Ágnes, Lukács (2017) A tuzséri Kegyelem Cigány Baptista Gyülekezet példája [The example of the Grace Gypsy Baptist Church in Tuzsér]. In: Fogom a kezét és együtt emelkedünk: Tanulmányok és interjúk a romaintegrációról [I will hold hands and rise together: Studies and interviews on Roma integration]. Jezsuita Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 155-168. ISBN 978-963-8014-49-8

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