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Number of items: 27.


Atanasov, Miroslav A. (2012) The Roma (Gypsy) Pentecostal Movement in Bulgaria. EastWest Church & Ministry Report, 20 (2). pp. 11-13.


Banov, Georgian (2012) Georgian Banov on BTV (Bulgaria) #1. [Video]

Banov, Georgian (2012) Georgian Banov on BTV (Bulgaria) #2. [Video]


Cace, Sorin and Tomescu, Cristina and Cojocaru, Daniela (2012) The role of religion in several Roma communities. Revista de cercetare si interventie sociala, 36. pp. 162-177. ISSN 1583-3410 (print), 1584-5397 (electronic)


Fosztó, László and Kiss, Denes (2012) Pentecostalism in Romania the Impact of Pentecostal Communities on the Life-style of the Members. La Ricerca Folklorica, Aprile 2012 (65). pp. 51-64. ISSN 0391-9099

Fylypchuk (Филипчук), S.V. (2012) Релігієвибір сучасніх Ромів на Закарпатті: Протестантизм [Religious choices of modern Roma in the Transcarpathian region: Protestantism]. Наукові записки. Серія "Історичне релігієзнавство" [Notes on science. Series Historical Religious Studies], 7. pp. 261-266.


Gay y Blasco, Paloma (2012) Gender and pentecostalism among the Gitanos of Madrid: Combining approaches. Romani studies 5, 22 (1). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1528–0748

Gyetvai, Gellert and Rajki, Zoltán (2012) A keresztény cigány közösségek szociológiája [Sociology of Christian Gypsy Communities]. Tükör. (Unpublished)

Györfi, Judit (2012) „Amit eggyel a legkisebbek közül megtesztek, azt velem teszitek meg.”Misszionáló gyülekezeta hátrányos helyzetű cigányság közötta Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyházban [“What you do with one of the smallest, you do with me.” His missionary congregation among disadvantaged Gypsies to the Hungarian Lutheran Church]. Doctoral thesis, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem.


Hammarberg, Thomas (2012) Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe. Council of Europe Publishing, Strasbourg. ISBN 978-92-871-7200-6


Ivanov, Andrey (2012) Quantifying the Unquantifiable: Defining Roma Populations in Quantitative Surveys. Nasselenie Review, 3 (4).


Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part I. [Video]

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part II. [Video]

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches' Perspectives on Mission Among the Roma People: Part III. [Video]

Kool, Anne-Marie (2012) European Churches’ Perspectives on Mission work among the Roma. In: McClure Lectures, 2012, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. (Unpublished)


Lőrinczi, Tünde (2012) Cercetarea comunităților religioase din Crișeni, județul Harghita - Transformarea relațiilor etnice țigano – maghiare din perspectiva apartenențelor religioase [Research of religious communities in Crișeni, Harghita County - Transformation of Gypsy-Hungarian ethnic relations from the perspective of religious affiliations]. Doctoral thesis, Universitatea "Babes-Bolyai", Cluj-Napoca.

Lőrinczi, Tünde (2012) The study of religious communities from Criseni, Hargita county The changes of Gypsy –Hungarian relations in the context of religious affiliation. Doctoral thesis, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Philology, Hungarian Studies, Doctoral School.


Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2012) Roma Culture in Past and Present. Other. Paradigma, Sofia.


Rorke, Bernard (2012) Combating Anti-Gypsyism: Nothing Less Than Zero Tolerance Will Suffice. Voices.


Slavkova, Magdalena (2012) Doing ethnographic fieldwork among Gypsies in home country and abroad. Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 223-239.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2012) ‘Singing and Dancing in the Spirit’. Gypsy Pentecostal Music and Musicians. Axis Mundi (Journal of the Slovakian Association for the study of religions), 2. pp. 36-46.


Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Роми као Пентекосталци у Jугоисточноj Србиjи [Roma as Pentecostals in Southeastern Serbia]. In: Промене Идентитета, Културе и Језика Рома у Условима Планске Социjално-економске Интеграциjе [Changes of Identity, Culture and Language of Roma in conditions of socio-economical integration], 6–8 December 2010, Belgrade.

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Роми као пентекосталци у југоисточној Србији [Roma as Pentecostals in Southeast Serbia]. У Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 461-475.

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Етнографско-социографски показатељи раширености про-тестантских верских заједница у југоисточној Србији (са посебним освртом на Роме протестанте)[Sociographic Indicators of the Spreading of Protestant Religious Communities in Southeastern Serbia (with a Special Emphasis on Protestant Roma)]. Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске (19). pp. 87-111. ISSN 1821-3723

Todorovič, Dragan (2012) Улога културних фактора у протестантизациjи Рома jугоисточне Србиjе [Uloga kulturnih faktora u Protestantizaciji Roma JugoistoČne Srbije] [The role of cultural factors in the Protestantisation of the Roma in Southeastern Serbia]. Часопис Култура [Magazine Culture] (136). pp. 376-402. ISSN 0023-5164


Voiculescu, Cerasela (2012) To Whom God Speaks: Struggles for Authority through Religious Reflexivity and Performativity within a Gypsy Pentecostal Church. Sociological Research Online, 17 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 13607804


Šoltésová, Viktória (2012) The Role of Religion in Resolving Conflicts in the Communities of Roma in Slovakia. Wschodnioznawstwo, 6. pp. 93-102.

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