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Bakay, Peter and Dani, Eszter and Durkó, Albert and Kovács, Bálint (2017) Sokszínű cigánymisszió [Diverse gypsy mission]. Tükör, 4 (4).

Balogh, Krisztina and Jakus, Ágnes and Kiss, Sándor and Majsai, Virág Eszter (2016) You Welcomed Us into Your Kingdom. Reformed Church in Hungary, Hungary. ISBN 978 963 894 727 7

Banica, Mirel (2022) Le Travail de Memoire. Im Dienste einer traumatischen Geschichte. Der Fall der Roma-Sklaverei. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 14 (3). pp. 539-553. ISSN eISSN 2359-8107

Becker, Tom (2017) A Marginalized People Lead a Hidden Revival. EFCA - Blog.

Benovska-Sabkova, Milena (2003) «I am a pure Gypsy…». The Roma Individuality in the Distorted Mirror of Group Stereotypes. In: Roma’s Identities in Southeast Europe:Bulgaria. Ethnobarometer, Rome, pp. 57-93. ISBN 88-88235-03-5

Blagojević, Gordana (2014) The Influence of Migrations on the Ethnic/National and Religious Identities: the Case of the United Methodist Church in Banat. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, LXII (2). pp. 67-79. ISSN 0350-0861

Bloomfield, Martha A. (2021) Romanies in Michigan – A Portrait of a Community through Their Own Voices. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 261-284. ISSN 2683-0213

Bogomilova, Nonka (2005) The Religious Situation in Contemporary Bulgaria, in Serbia and Montenegro: Differences and Similarities. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe, 25 (4). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1069-4781

Borisova, Mariyanka (2021) Little Bulgarian School in Chicago – Cultural Heritage and Integration. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 243-260. ISSN 2683-0213


Cantón-Delgado, Manuela (2007) Du soupçon à la mobilisation ethnique : pentecôtisme gitan et ethnogénèse en Andalousie [From Suspicion to Ethnic Mobilization: Gypsy Pentecostalism and Ethnogenesis in Andalusia]. Anthropologica, 49 (1). pp. 137-147. ISSN 0301-6587

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Montiel, Cristina M. and Baena, Salvador M. and Cabezas, Ignacio M. (2004) Gitanos Pentecostales: Una mirada antropologica a la Iglesia Filadelfia en Andalucia [Pentecostal Gypsies: An Anthropological Look at the Philadelphia Church in Andalusia]. Signatura Demos, Sevilla. ISBN 84-96210-17-0

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Tebar, Pilar Gil (0211) Políticas, resistencias y diásporas religiosas en perspectiva transcultural. Gitanos evangélicos en España e indígenas católicos en México [Policies, resistance and religious diasporas in cross-cultural perspective. Evangelical Gypsies in Spain and indigenous Catholics in Mexico]. Revista de Antropologia Social [Social Anthropology Magazine], 20. pp. 77-107. ISSN 1131-558x

Cantón-Delgado, Manuela and Toyansk, Marcos and Jimenez-Royo, Javier (2019) Suspicion and Prejudice. The role of Ideology in the study of Christian revival among the Roma. Social Compass, 66 (4). pp. 455-470. ISSN 0037-7686

Carrizo-Reimann, Agustina (2011) The forgotten children of Abraham:Iglesia Evangelica Misionera Biblica Rom of Buenos Aires. Romani studies 5, 21 (2). pp. 161-176. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)

Catalán, Óscar L. (2018) Fronteras en la ciudad. La población rrom/gitana rumana en el Área Metropolitana de Barcelona y sus estrategias de subsistencia, vivienda y movilidad [Borders in the city. The Romanian Roma / Roma population in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and their livelihood, housing and mobility strategies]. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Crowe, David and Liebich, Andre (2007) A History of the Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.


Dezső, Atilla and Dan, László and Szabó, Viktor (2019) Határon túli cigánymisszió [Gypsy mission across the border]. Tükör, 6 (2).

Dromgold, Michelle (2013) Welcoming the Outsider: Work with Roma Children in Berlin-Neukölln. New World Outlook – The Mission Magazine of the United Methodist Church, 73 (5). pp. 35-38. ISSN 0043-8812


Fosztó, László (2003) Diaspora and Nationalism:an Anthropological Approach to theInternational Romani Movement. Regio, 1.

Friedman, Eben Joseph and Friedman, Victor A. (2015) Romani Worlds:Academia, policy, and modern media. Discussion Paper. Institutului pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj-Napoca.


Gamella, Juan F. (2007) La inmigración ignorada: Romá / gitanos de Europa orientalen España, 1991-2006. Gazeta de Antropología (23). ISSN 0214-7564

Gay y Blasco, Paloma (2002) Gypsy/Roma diasporas. A comparative perspective. Social Anthropology, 10 (2). pp. 173-188. ISSN 1469-8676

Greenfields, Margaret and Gog, Sorin and Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin and Todorovič, Dragan and Cvetković, Vladimir and Roman, Raluca Bianca and Podolinská, Tatiana and Madero, Eugenio Restrepo (2013) The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference in Romani. In: The Gypsy Lore Society Annual International Conference, 12 and 13 September 2013, Glasgow.

Gyetvai, Gellert and Rajki, Zoltán (2016) Features of Roma Religiosity: Is it only mimicry? Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe, 9 (1). pp. 53-69. ISSN 1553-9962

Györfi, Judit (2012) „Amit eggyel a legkisebbek közül megtesztek, azt velem teszitek meg.”Misszionáló gyülekezeta hátrányos helyzetű cigányság közötta Magyarországi Evangélikus Egyházban [“What you do with one of the smallest, you do with me.” His missionary congregation among disadvantaged Gypsies to the Hungarian Lutheran Church]. Doctoral thesis, Evangélikus Hittudományi Egyetem.

Győző, Balogh János (2019) A Magyar Görögkatolikus Egyház cigányok között végzettmissziója 1937-2016 között [The mission of the Hungarian Greek Catholic Church among Gypsies between 1937-2016]. Doctoral thesis, PÁZMÁNY PÉTER Katolikus Egyetem.


Hoffmann-Richter, Andreas (2014) Zur Situation der Sinti und Roma in Deutschland. 1943-2013: Zur Situation in Deutschland. Gedenken 2013. In: Ökumenischer Gedenkgottesdienst für die aus Freiburg deportierten Sinti 1943 - 2014 - 70 Jahre, 26. Januar 2014, Freiburg im Breisgau.


Kotics, Jozsef (2019) Gypsies as the keepers of Saxon culture? The Role of Saxon Culture and Evangelical Religion in the Identity of a Local Transylvanian Gypsy Community. In: FIELDS AND THEORIES Selected Essays from the Field of Romology by Lippai Balázs Romani College. Didakt Kf., Debrecen, pp. 263-279. ISBN 978-615-5212-72-7


Lehel, Peti (2018) Migration and Pentecostalism in a mendicant Roma community in Eastern Moldavia. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 63 (1). pp. 83-106. ISSN 1216-9803

Lehel, Peti (2017) Migráció és pünkösdizmus egy kelet-moldvai kolduló roma közösségben [Migration and Pentecostalism in an Eastern-Moldavian Beggar Roma Community]. Erdélyi Társadalom, 15 (1). pp. 57-80. ISSN 1583–6347

Lehel, Peti (2006) A csángómentés szerkezete és hatásai az identitásépítési stratégiákra [Structure and effects of Gypsy rescue on identity building strategies]. In: Lenyomatok 5. : Fiatal kutatók a népi kultúráról. Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság, Kolozsvár, pp. 129-155. ISBN 9788439280


Marinov, Aleksandar G. (2009) Roma Migration From the Youth Perspective. Institute for Regional and International Studies. pp. 1-4.

Marquand, Robert (2010) In France, an Evangelical Gypsy group shakes up the immigration debate. The Christian Science Monitor.

Marushiakova, Elena (2001) Origins and Divergence of the Roma (Gypsies). The American Journal of Human Genetics. pp. 1314-1331.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2011) Between Exoticization and Marginalization. Current Problems of Gypsy Studies. BEHEMOTH A Journal on Civilisation (1). ISSN 1886-2447

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) The Birth of a Group: Two Roma Micro-Groups in Bukovina and Transylvania. TRANSYLVANIAN REVIEW, 22 (3). pp. 138-142. ISSN 15849422

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2021) Bulgaria. In: Roma Voices in History A Sourcebook. Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, pp. 33-179. ISBN 978-3-657-70518-4

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2017) Commencement of Roma Civic Emancipation. Studies in Arts and Humanities, 3 (2). pp. 32-55.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2003) Ethnic Identities and Economic Strategies of Gypsies in the Countriesof the Former USSR. Mitteilungen des SFB „Differenz und Integration, 4 (1). pp. 289-310.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2021) The Genesis of the Roma Emancipation. In: Roma Voices in History A Sourcebook. Brill Deutschland GmbH, Paderborn, pp. 1-32. ISBN 978-3-657-70518-4

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2001) New Ethnic Identities in the Balkans: The Case of the Egyptians. Philosophy and Sociology, 2 (8). pp. 465-477.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin Roma Culture. Council of Europe newsletter.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2012) Roma Culture in Past and Present. Other. Paradigma, Sofia.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2016) Roma Culture: Problems and Challenges. In: Roma Culture: Myths and Realities. Lincom Academic Publisher, Munich, pp. 35-64. ISBN 978 3 86288 684 5

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2013) Roma Identities in Central, Southeastern and Eastern Europe. In: Roma Identity and Anti-Gypsyism in Europe. LINCOM, München, pp. 40-52.

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2022) Roma Portraits in History. Brill. ISBN 978-3-657-70519-1

Marushiakova, Elena and Popov, Vesselin (2016) Who are Roma? In: Roma culture: Myths and realities. Series Editors: Hristo Kyuchukov and Ian Hancock, 3 . Lincom Academic Publisher, Munich, pp. 7-28. ISBN 978 3 86288 684 5

McNary, R. Shane (2017) Staying Home: Cultural Bridging in a Time of Crisis. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 23-25. ISSN 0889-9436


Naydenov, Nayden (2017) Leaving Home: New Pathways in Mission. Mission Frontiers, July-August 2017 issue: The Roma, 39 (4). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0889-9436

Negura, Ion and Peev, Veronica (2009) Identity Patterns in the Roma Minority from the Republic of Moldova. TRANSITIONS, 48 (2). pp. 55-70. ISSN 0779-382


Petrova, Dimitrina (2004) The Roma: Between a Myth and the Future. Roma rights (1). pp. 7-32. ISSN 1417-1503

Portnoy, Kelly and Portnoy, Ryan (2017) We Are Here - A Story of Jesus and The Unseen Roma. [Video]


Rebhandl, Bert (2014) Roma und Sinti: Die Fremden, die bleiben [Roma and Sinti: Foreigners who stay]. Der Standard.

Robertson, Glen Randolph (2009) The Romani People and Selected Churches in Slovakia. A Description, Analysis and Interpretation of Their Relations (1989-2007). Doctoral thesis, Universiteit Utrecht.

Roman, Raluca Bianca (2018) Roma Mobility, Beyond Migration: Religious Humanitarianism and Transnational Roma Missionary Work as De-Constructions of Migration. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics (IEEJSP), 4 (2). pp. 37-56. ISSN E-ISSN: 2416-089X

Roman, Raluca Bianca and Blomster, Risto (2023) Forgotten pioneers? The Karelian connection and the role of Kaale women in the mobilization of Finnish Roma at the start of the twentieth century. Romani Studies, 33 (1). pp. 9-29. ISSN (print): 1528-0748; (online): 1757-2274


Sikimic, Biljana (2007) Идем свуда по иностранство са мојима децама [I go everywhere abroad with my children]. In: Друштвене науке о Ромима у Србији. САНУ, Belgrade, pp. 143-168.

Sikimic, Biljana (2008) The Prilužje Enclave [A Construction of Local Identity]. In: Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu [Two Homelands: Discussions on Emigration]. Institut, Ljubljana, pp. 45-66.

Sikimic, Biljana (2006) Две мањине: Срби и Бањаши у Мађарској [Two minorities: Serbs and Banjas in Hungary]. In: Етнографија Срба у Мађарској [Ethnography of Serbs in Hungary]. Српски институт – Етнографски институт САНУ, Budapest, pp. 101-112.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2008) Being Gypsy in Europe. The Case of Bulgarian Roma Workers in Spain. Balkanologie, 9 (1-2).

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Църква и религия при българите в Испания [Church and religion of Bulgarians in Spain]. 'Ongal' Electronic Journal, 9 (15). pp. 74-86. ISSN 1314-3115

Slavkova, Magdalena (2012) Doing ethnographic fieldwork among Gypsies in home country and abroad. Промене идентитета, културе и језика Рома у условима планске социјално-економске интеграције. pp. 223-239.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2007) Циганите евангелисти в България [Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria]. ПАРАДИГМА, Sofia. ISBN 978-954-326-068-3

Slavkova, Magdalena (2013) Negotiating 'Bulgarianness' by Bulgarians and Gypsies Abroad. In: Migration matters. Inter-disciplinary Press, Oxford, pp. 65-85.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2018) Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain. Religious and social commitment of the Bulgarian Roma migrants in Spain, 33 (2). pp. 224-241.

Slavkova, Magdalena (2021) School Experiences of Children of Roma Migrant Returnees and Refugees from the Middle East. Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment, 3. pp. 218-241. ISSN 2683-0213

Slavkova, Magdalena (2017) Social Ties of Bulgarians and Rudari in the Mediterranean Countries. Balkan and Balticum : current studies in the postsocialist space. pp. 42-69. ISSN 1736-0323 (online)

Slavkova, Magdalena and Maeva, Mila and Erolova, Yelis and Popov, Rachko (2019) Between the Worlds: People, Spaces and Rituals. Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. A, Sofia.

Slavkova, Magdalena and Stoyanova, Plamena and Maeva, Mila and Hristova, Mina (2021) Between the worlds: Migrants, margins, and social environment. IEFSEM – BAS & Paradigma, Sofija.

Smith, Gypsy (1902) Gipsy Smith - his life and work. Fleming H. Revell Compani, New York, Chichago, Toronto.

Stewart, Michael and Rövid, Márton (2011) Multi-disciplinary approaches to Romany studies: Selected Papers from Participants of Central European University’s Summer Courses 2007–2009. Central European University Press, Budapest ; New York. ISBN 978-963-9776-76-0

Strangwayes-Booth, Alex (2016) How Gypsies have moved from fortune-telling to fervent Christianity. BBC News.


Tosi Cambini, Sabrina and Beluschi-Fabeni, Giussepe (2017) Antiziganisms: Ethnographic Engagements in Europe. Anuac, 6 (1). pp. 99-117. ISSN 2239-62Bx

Toyansk, Marcos (2017) The Romani Diaspora: Evangelism, Networks and the Making of a Transnational Community. Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies (79). pp. 185-213. ISSN ISSN 0354-0286

Tóthová, Zuzana (2014) A CIGÁNYMISSZIÓ DIDAKTIKAI KERETEI A Szlovákiai Református Keresztyén Egyház Cigánymissziójának nehézségei és lehetőségei egy sajátos szempontrendszer alapján [DIDACTIC FRAMEWORK FOR THE GYPSY MISSION Gypsy Mission of the Slovak Reformed Christian Church difficulties and opportunities based on a specific set of criteria]. Doctoral thesis, UNIVERZITA J. SELYEHO – SELYE JÁNOS EGYETEM FAKULTA REFORMOVANEJ TEOLÓGIE – REFORMÁTUS TEOLÓGIAI KAR.


Vašečka, Michal and Juraskova, Martina and Nicholson, Tom (2003) Čačipen pal o Roma - A Global Report on Roma in Slovakia. Institute for Public Affairs, Bratislava. ISBN 80−88935−46−6


Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2018) Narrative and Mission Praxis: The Roma in Europe. Global Missiology English, 4 (15).

Wachsmuth, Melody J. (2016) Refugees on the Roma Road. Christianity Today, January/February 2016, 60 (1). p. 22. ISSN 0009-5753

Wiley, Eric (2005) Romani Performance and Heritage Tourism - The Pilgrimage of the Gypsies at Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. The Drama Review, 49 (2). pp. 135-158.


Zlatanović, Sanja (2017) Approaching preferred identity:‘Serbian Gypsies’ in post-war Kosovo. Romani studies 5, 27 (2). pp. 147-172. ISSN 1528–0748 (print) 1757–2274 (online)


Đorđević, Dragoljub B. and Todorovič, Dragan and Milošević, Lela (2004) Romas and others - others and Romas Social Distance. "Ivan Hadjiyski" Institute for Social Values and Structures, Sofia.

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