Items where Division is "Serbia" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 5.


Blagojević, Gordana (2014) The Influence of Migrations on the Ethnic/National and Religious Identities: the Case of the United Methodist Church in Banat. Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography, LXII (2). pp. 67-79. ISSN 0350-0861

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Станье и перспективе политичког активизма меЂу ромима пентекосталцима у Југоистичноj Србиjи [Status and propsect of political activism among Pentecostal Roma in South-Eastern Serbia]. Teme: časopis za društvene nauke, 38 (3). pp. 999-1018. ISSN Print ISSN: 0353-7919 Online ISSN: 1820-7804

Book Section

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Изазови у проучавању верског живота Рома [Izazovi u proučavanju vesrkog života Roma] [Challenges in the study of the religious life of Roma people]. In: Проучаванье друштвених поjава (Методолошка разматрања) [Society studies (Methodological research)]). Универзитет у Нишу - Филозофски факултет / Машински факултет [University of Niš - Faculty of Philosophy / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering], Niš, pp. 147-181.

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Roma and Conversion to Protestantism: An Example of Southeast Serbia. In: Europe as a Multiple Modernity: Multiplicity of Religious Identities and Belonging. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, pp. 228-251. ISBN ISBN-10: 1443856339; ISBN-13: 978-1443856331

Todorovič, Dragan (2014) Улога богословских фактора у протестантизацији Рома југоисточне Србије [The role of theological factors in the Protestantisation of the Roma in Southeastern Serbia]. In: Прилози стратегии унапреЂеЊа положаjа Рома [Contributions to the strategy for improving Roma Status]. Српска Академиjа Наука и уметности ; Заштитник ГраЂана, Belgrade, pp. 113-136. ISBN 0354-494X

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